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This Is How Invisible Illnesses Impact Our Daily Lives

This Is How Invisible Illnesses Impact Our Daily Lives

Living with an invisible illness is very tough because flare-ups can occur at any moment and prevent you from doing daily activities such as cooking dinner or hanging out with friends. I thought it would be interesting to get multiple perspectives on how impactful an invisible illness can be on someone's daily life. Here are a few quotes from people with different conditions:


“Sometimes I don’t really know if what I’m saying is OK, or if whoever is listening even cares. My personality disorder makes me constantly question whether my behavior is acceptable and if the people around me actually want to be with me.” — Shannon S., living with borderline personality disorder

“Imagine having to stay home because it hurts too much to wear shoes. Then imagine that normal walking feels like it’s on two sprained ankles, but that is not enough to keep you inside, it’s the shoes. This is your new normal.” — Lorraine S., living with rheumatoid arthritis

“The state of exhaustion is 24/7 no matter what I do or how I sleep. Although I am working and being active, I am still in daily, constant pain. My smile and laughter are genuine most of the time, but sometimes they’re just a cover-up.” — Elizabeth G., living with Crohn’s disease

“It affects every moment of my daily life. You make adjustments and smile and learn to live with it, but I feel like I’m falling off a cliff in slow motion with no way to stop it. The grieving process is repeated over and over with each new loss of function. I used to run and dance and wear heels and walk like a normal person, at least in my dreams, but not anymore. It is always with me now.” — Debbie S., living with multiple sclerosis

It is very important to get an understanding of the universal hassle that people with invisible disabilities experience from their day to day lives. While they are different pains and aches, the frustration and desperation to feel like a 'normal' person is felt among every single one of these people. Consider this next time you devalue another person's pain just because you cannot see it.


Kasian, Michael. “This Is How Invisible Illnesses Impact Our Daily Lives.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 2017,
