This Is How to Be There for Someone with an Invisible Illness

How to Be There for Someone with an Invisible Illness

If you know someone who is struggling with an invisible disability, it is important to develop a level of understanding of what they are going through.

  • Let them cry if they need to. Let them take off the mask they have and let out their frustration and pain. It is important to let them know that they are being heard and that you understand the crazy steps they need to take just to get through a simple day. 

  • Try to understand that their actions are not to anger or hurt anyone; they are simply making decisions based on their health. Understand that if they say no to going out or getting lunch, it is not because they do not want to, it is because they are either in pain or do not want to aggravate their disabilities. 

  • Don't always wait until they ask for help. Offering helping before the pain level gets too high is always really helpful and lets the person know that you care.

  • Have patience. Understand that they cannot fully function as well as you can when they are suffering through flare-ups. 


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